About Jungle Leaves
Jungle Leaves is three biologists: Alexander Ruppert, Patrick Schlütting und Nils-Bendix Schmitz.
As nature enthusiasts and of course also in our studies as botanists (Patrick and Nils) and zoologists (Alexander), we have all been enganged in the care, propagation, biology and ecology of tropical plants for terrariums and the windowsill for more than 10 years.
- Alex is our expert for extraordinary plants for the rainforest terrarium. He takes care of our collection of rare begonias, gesneriads, iridescent plants and all sorts of other small terrarium plants, most of which we have never heard of. However, he seems to want to compensate for all the mini-plants, because he also cares for our giant aroids like Leucocasia, Philodendron or Anthurium.
- Patrick can probably draw the complete phylogenetic tree of the spore plants, including characteristics for each clade, from memory after being woken up at 3 AM. He is our expert on ferns and mosses, Selaginella and carrion flowers. Wait a minute, carrion flowers? Yes, he’s taken a fancy to them, too. Amorphophallus, Sauromatum, Typhonium and other Araceae, whose impressive flowers often spread unspeakable smells in our greenhouse. Delicious.
- Nils is particularly fond of the so-called ant plants. Hydnophytum, Lecanopteris, Dischidia or Myrmecodia. These rare beauties, which are inhabited by ants in nature, are really extraordinary terrarium plants with their bizarre shapes, but are still little known. But do not worry, from us you will get them without ants. He also cares for our collection of tropical crops and mangroves. He keeps surprising us with exotic fruits we’ve never heard of, let alone tasted.
After the three of us had successfully completed our studies at the Ruhr-University Bochum (M.Sc. Biology), we decided to make our passion for terrariums and tropical plants our profession. In Herten we found the perfect location for this: A vacant, but very well maintained nursery with a large, well preserved greenhouse, an attached storefront and a very nice garden. All in a prime location.
After about a year of sweaty renovation work, the greenhouse was finally ready for tropical plants and the store to receive customers. We then opened Jungle Leaves in early 2021.
Since then, we have been growing, propagating and selling numerous, incredibly beautiful and fascinating tropical plants that are often difficult or impossible to obtain.
This also includes expert advice. Feel free to contact us with questions in case of problems or with suggestions on how we can make our offer even better!
With our scientific background, we place special emphasis on sustainability and excellent information about these organisms, which also extends beyond successful care. For that, feel free to check out our blog, where we not only provide detailed care instructions, but also report on botanical peculiarities, amusing anecdotes and fascinating plant diversity!
On Instagram we regularly inform about novelties in the store and show plants that are particularly beautiful at the moment. Sometimes there are also behind-the-scenes insights or raffles where you have the chance to win great plants.
You can meet us in our shop in Herten, in the heart of the Ruhr area, or at a trade fair at the Jungle Leaves booth. Our current opening hours, as well as directions and contact information can be found here. An overview of the fairs where we will be exhibiting at this year can be found here. See you there!
Here are a few current impressions from our greenhouse and store!